When leaders are motivated by greed, arrogance and a megalomaniac need for power, the result is what we have in Washington D.C. History is full of such authoritarian leaders such as Nero, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Mussolini, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Syria’s Assad, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, Russia’s Stalin, and Putin, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Most of them achieve the leadership positions by assassinations or bribery. Some become leaders by developing and becoming a personality cult-like figure (in ex: Jim Jones’s suicide cult), influencing the masses of non critical thinking people into becoming followers, giving money and/or electing them to them into power by the hundreds, thousands, or millions of followers. This is why Trump and those of his ilk are in power. There was insufficient votes of reasoning people to counteract the effects of the “False God” Trump followers. Those who did not exercise their civic responsibility of voting and staying home brought this calamity upon themselves and everybody else in our nation. They caused the downfall of America’s global stature, leadership position, and decades of admiration of people in the world. People need to Vote! Thanks for your well written article, Nanci!I enjoyed it.