We all used to be more civil in our society, now everyone has a voice via expanding accessibilty to wireless connectivity and spreading use of internet devices. People can either be “Trolls” or “Contributors” to social discourse i social media formats and reach millions of people almost instantly. The failure to lead, moral turpitude, and win by any means in the most troll-like way possible by our leaders in Washington D.C. lead by the President himself. Our President’s actions, behavior, and words (spoken, handwritten or typed) gave cover and legitimacy to those of his ilk. In his campaigning days, the President made a promise to pay the legal fees to any supporters who verbally or physically confront protesters at his rallies or events. This help foster the growth of “Tribalism” and a more impolite society. We must remember that in the case of Samantha Bee and Roeseanne Barr, there are key differences although the words they outputted to the world were wrong. Roseanne’s words were outputted on her own time, off the broadcast of her show. She was giving us a glimpse of her personal real thoughts, unfiltered and unrestrained. Samantha Bee’s words were broadcast on her show, the words were written by a comedy script writer, looked over by a network censor (a require standard practice), looked over by the Producer, Director, Samantha Bee herself, and the script finally had to be approved by a Network Executive. But the words somehow were not dropped or changed after going through all those people. We legitimately don’t know if Samantha Bee actually personally had the thoughts of the offensive words in her head, but she did apologized for her utterance of those words. I do not make excuses for the two of them but my point is this: A Nation’s Leader leads by example and a Nation’s people naturally follow. Apologies for being log-winded. Thank You for a great article, Micheline!