Trump’s Don Quixote Dream Of A Nobel Peace Prize Just got More Difficult

Trump’s actions in the last 10 days has made his goal of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize more unattainable. North Korea’s planned talks with South Korea for Wednesday about South Korean infrastructure aid and plans of broader detente guidelines with North Korea were abruptly cancelled. Kim Jong Un also threatened to cancel the June 12 meeting with Trump in Singapore. North Korea was upset at the ongoing South Korean and U.S. annual joint military exercise “Max Thunder”. Kim Jong Un considers the military exercise as a pre-invasion practice, he had hoped that his declaration of dismantling North Korea’s nuclear test site would be accepted as a sign of good faith with the U.S. reciprocating by either cancelling the military exercise or just using computer simulations for the exercise. A seed of doubt of Trump’s ability to keep his word may have been planted in the collective minds of the North Korean leadership with the U.S. abandonment of the Iran Treaty. Trump have now thrown a monkey wrench in the peninsula peace process and the hopes of a Trump Nobel. If Trump abandons the peninsula peace process, there is a strong possibility that Russia and China may take the lead in getting a treaty accomplished. Russia has had a commitment since 2012 to provide a natural gas pipeline to South Korea and North Korea provided that a peace and security agreement can be attained between North and South Korea. China had also approved this proposal. Trump is not necessary for peace and in the end, The U.S. will suffer a loss of face and a the possible withdrawal of U.S. troops in South Korea. All of this may occur because Trump wants to look like a strong and forceful leader. The possible winners are these guys below:

The abandonment of the Iran Treaty is another monkey wrench thrown by Trump. Despite the United Nations nuclear weapons inspections and the U.S. Intelligence Agencies certification of Iran’s compliance of the treaty agreements, Trump unilaterally pulled the U.S. out of the Treaty. The U.S. also never fulfilled the bargained commitment s that have been agreed upon to Iran. Trump has shown the world and our Allies that the U.S. cannot be trusted in any agreement made. Iran is withholding any retaliatory action against the U.S. and is continuing to work with the Europeans, Russia and China to keep the Treaty alive. The winners of this fiasco are below:

Trump has moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and the immediate result is the explosion of Palestinian riots. The result so far is the shooting deaths of over 60 Palestinians shot and over 1,000 injured. By choosing to open the new Embassy on May 14, Israeli’s Independence Day, anger from the Arab world and especially furious reaction from the Palestinians were created because May 15 is the day when when 700,000 Palestinians were forcefully removed from their lands at the end of the Palestine war. This day was called the Nakbah (disaster, catastrophe). Having the Embassy opening on the day before Nakbah Day is considered highly insulting to the Arab world and indicates that the U.S. is not a serious partner to creating a “Two State Solution” or in creating peace in the Middle East. It was a poorly chosen Embassy opening date that seems to honor Israel’s Independence but belittles the plight of the Palestinian people. It would have more wiser to have chosen another day for the opening of the new Embassy. The European allies knew this and Russia and China also but their advice was ignored. The winner of this mess:

Trump has now caused the U.S. to be alienated, viewed as being untrustworthy, and to be thought of as being an ignorant, arrogant and foolish nation with tendencies of warmongering because of John Bolton’s addition to Trump’s cabinet. There is no way that Trump will ever win the Nobel Peace Prize. Many nations have come to believe that the image below represents who Trump really is:

We need to have a Regime change in Washington D.C.



Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023,

Retired from the Aerospace Industry. I write Satire, Humor, and Funny stories. about the absurd things in life.