
This Monday morning at 3:00 a.m., dozens of C130 military transport planes began arriving at Los Angeles and San Francisco Airports to deliver from FEMA 8 million dollars worth of rakes and backyard trash bags so that Californians can start raking the forest floors of leaves. Trump explained that a forest floor cleared of leaves and twigs will prevent massive fires like those in the Northern and Southern ends of California. Trump issued a corrected directive, that advised Californians to spend less time smoking weed and more on raking, changing the original word raping to raking.



Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da
Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da

Written by Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da

Retired from the Aerospace Industry. I write Satire, Humor, and Funny stories. about the absurd things in life. medium.com/metaphorically

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