The cremaster muscle in a male body controls the descent or ascent of the testicles. This muscle allows testicles to descend into the sack after males reach 9 months of age. Testicles move up and down depending on the temperature of the body around them as higher temperatures would be detrimental to the health of sperm. In some men, a hyperactive cremaster muscle can actually pull the testicles back up into the groin. Stress, fear and or panic can cause this to happen. Rod Rosenstein announced today in a press conference that Special counsel Robert Mueller has indicted and named 12 Russian GRU Officers involved in the Russian hacking of the Presidential Elections to favor Trump. There are more indictments to follow later. Rod Rosenstein has stated that Trump was informed of these indictments earlier this week ahead of Trump’s meeting with Putin. Tump may have suffered a moment of fear. Do you think Trump’s cheeks seem a little more puffier than usual? I think his cremaster muscle must have pulled his nuts way past his groin and he has been carrying an empty sac by the time he met the Queen for tea!