Member-only story
Summer Fragrance
My personal take
It’s that time of year again. Summer is here and with it comes all the fun, partying, travel, bugs, and in particular, smells. The obligatory social gatherings at outdoor events bring with them the various smells of outdoor cooking, people, flowers and foods. I feel I must remind you that there are annoyances that come with this seasonal change. Namely, insects that bite or sting, itchy rash from poison ivy or oak, and the pain of being sunburned.
My personal remedy for dealing with these annoyances is what I call my Summer fragrance. I create a concoction of sun blocker lotion, moisturizer, and Deet. I practically bathe in this mixture until my body is slippery and has the shine of a bodybuilder but alas, not the physique. I would most likely to have been gifted with a rash by various bugs, flora, and fauna, causing me to apply Calamine tattoo designs on my body. All this gives me my personal Summer Fragrance.
My Summer fragrance does have disadvantages. Its fragrance and the pink Calamine tribal-like warrior tattoos can repel your kids or other kids, your spouse, your friends, pets, and most of humankind. Most businesses and restaurants will refuse to serve you. Sad but true!
I don’t mind the disadvantages at all. The advantages that please me the most is that it allows me to have peace and quiet. I enjoy a…