Perhaps Scott Pruitt can join his wife and be co-owners of a Chi-fill-A franchise. Originally his wife wanted a franchise that would pay her $200,000 a year. Lets do the math, wife-$200,000 plus Scotty Boy-$200,000 equals $400,000 a year income from the franchise. Where in the U.S.A. does a Chik-Fill-A exist that has that many people ordering and eating that much chicken?
Even Trump doesn’t eat Chik-Fill-A chicken, he only likes and eats KFC. Maybe “Sooty” and his wife should switch gears and go for a Hobby Lobby franchise. They are owned by conservative right wing people with the correct religion anyway. I hear paper cutting things like paper dolls and houses are a popular hobby. There is now plenty of paper available since “Sooty” voided all protections for endangered forests and voided the Clean Water Act. The paper industry can freely dump the chemicals used in paper making into nearby rivers, lakes, and streams. Who worries about cancer causing chemicals anyway? Think of the profit that he can garner!