My wife and I once had an experience that is similar to yours but the difference was that the pickup truck stopped and its occupants got out. I was in the U.S. Navy in 1976 and I was stationed in Pensacola, Florida. My wife had flown down from our home in New York to spend the 5 days of leave that I had with me as she had never been to Florida. My wife and I are Chinese Americans and we never had any problems with people not accepting us as who we are. Anyway it was near dusk, and we had just finished the day being tourists (I was wearing “civies”) in the city of St. Augustine and we were headed up the road to meet up with the tour bus when a pickup truck (why these subhumans all seem to have pickup trucks is beyond me) showed up and slowly kept up with our walking pace. My wife was nervous and so was I and she remarked that this is like a bad movie. There were 3 drunk guys riding in the bed of the truck with 2 guys in the cab. The whole time that the truck kept pace with us, they were “cat-calling” my wife and suggesting that she get in the truck with them. I told my wife that I will do all in my power to make sure that nothing bad will happen to her. But I knew that I cannot realistically fend off 5 guys and I know that I’m about to be beaten. Then the truck stopped and the guys got out, we were encircled by idiots laughing and making comments that I won’t repeat here. Now I was getting angry, the situation was about to get ugly. Then like a sign from heaven came the sound of a short burst of a police car siren. A police car was pulling up behind the pickup truck. The 5 a**holes jumped back into their truck and took off. The Police officer didn’t bother to pursue them but walked up to us and asked if my wife and I were all right. We told the cop what happened and he said he would take us to the bus stop. In the patrol car, he said “Those boys are always causing problems and I was following them from a distance to see what they were up to. Luckily for you folks that I did.” Arriving at our bus stop, my wife and I thanked him with much sincerity. As we got out of the patrol car, the cop told us, “Don’t judge the people of Florida based on those morons in the pickup. We have a lot more good than bad people.” That’s the moment that I realized that serving in the military for “Uncle Sam” with its mission of defending our country includes not only the good people but also the “Bad Apples (non-evolved people) as well. We are all Americans and the military mission remains the same. My apologies for being long-winded but your story brought back memories. My thanks to you for a great story and for sharing it, L.H. Nguyen!