In The Trump Era. Insanity Reaches Epidemic Proportions
I believe the that portions of the U.S. population are slowly going insane and that the CDC should open an investigation into this phenomenon. Cases supporting this:
Rudy (A reality challenged syndrome sufferer) Giuiliani who is Trump’s newest lawyer stated that in the final month of Trump’s campaign, he disputes the fact that the Russian-aligned WikiLeaks and its release of Russian-stolen emails constituted “colluding” with Russia. “It is not,” Giuliani said. Then he stated, “OK, and if it is, it isn’t illegal… It was sort of like a gift,” he said. “And you’re not involved in the illegality of getting it.” As the GOP nominee, Trump started receiving U.S. intelligence briefings on Aug. 17, 2016 ― at which time, according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, Trump would have learned that analysts had concluded that Russia was behind the theft of emails from the Democratic National Committee and was releasing them through WikiLeaks. That group, which bills itself as a “transparency” organization, has for years been considered an arm of Russian spy agencies by the U.S. intelligence community. Rudy seems to be supporting this earlier statement from the Trump campaign:
“I don’t think they were working with them. I think they were willing to take advantage of it. It’s about winning,” said Sam Nunberg, who had been fired by Trump more than a year before the election. “You’re supposed to win. That’s just the reality of it.” Trump considers this more “Winning”. How is Rudy still possessing a License to practice Law?
Another lawyer loses his mind in New York. Greg Piatek, an attorney visiting NYC from Philadelphia claimed that a bar had refused to serve him and his companions and was told to leave because of his MAGA hat. At the Happiest Hour bar in the city’s West Village in January 2017, Piatek was allegedly escorted out by a manager who told him anyone who supports Donald Trump is not welcome. Piatek claimed religious discrimination and filed suit in a New York Court. He felt “extremely humiliated, degraded, victimized, embarrassed, and emotionally distressed.”
This is the New York bar in the lawsuit. “Rather than remove his hat, instead he held true to his spiritual belief and was forced from the bar,” Greg Piatek’s lawyer Paul Liggieri claimed. Lawyers for Piatek, 31, also argued that the Greenwich Village eatery flouted city and state laws barring denial of service based on creed. Paul Liggieri, who represented Piatek in court, contended his client’s hat reflected a “spiritual tribute” to 9/11 victims — and he was therefore protected by an anti-discrimination statute. The dispute stemmed from a trip that Piatek and some friends made to New York to visit the Freedom Tower and the September 11 Memorial and Museum. Piatek wore a red “Make America Great Again” hat which, according to the court documents, “holds significant and symbolic import” to him and “is an essential component of [his] overall personal and spiritual expression.”
“Supporting Trump is not a religion, whether you believe it very sincerely, it’s not,” said Elizabeth Conway, who represented The Happiest Hour. “He doesn’t allege that he has some sort of belief system that he follows in his everyday life and his hat is sort of an example of that.” The bar’s lawyers said even if Piatek were ejected because of his MAGA hat, the slogan refers to support for Trump and political affiliations aren’t protected under the law. Creed, they also argued, alludes to religious belief — not spiritual feelings about politics. T The Bar’s lawyers stated that the real reason Piatek was escorted out was that he was rude and disorderly toward the staff and people in the bar. The Bar’s lawyer also stated in court, Jon Neidich the owner of the bar stated in court documents, “Piatek spent nearly $200 at the bar and left a 20% tip”, something Piatek’s attorney disputes.
New York State Supreme Court Justice David B. Cohen asked Piatek “How many members are in your religion?” Piatek replied “One”
The judge ultimately sided with bar, saying Piatek “does not state any faith-based principle to which the hat relates.” The lawsuit was thrown out of court. Just more attorneys getting fabulously richer in the Trump Regime.
A commemorative coin released by the White House is drawing criticism and controversy. The coin was released to memorialize the pair’s planned peace summit which, as of this week, may or may not happen.
Sarah Sanders waved off questions about the coin during a press briefing on Tuesday, saying the White House Communications Agency, a special military unit that provides support to the president and his staff is the organization that is responsible for it design. The controversy stems from giving North Korean leader Kim Jung Un the same equal prominence and status that Trump supposedly has on the face of the coin is because Kim Jung Un is considered to be a brutal dictator who flaunts Human Rights. Others are criticizing having Trump on the face of the coin as a form of worshiping a cult of personality. Some wanted the “Peace House” on the face of the coin instead. I imagine that a like of President Obama’s face on any commemorative coin would set most right winger’s hair on fire. The more important question that needs to be answered is if the coin goes on sale, I wonder who or where the profits go to? All this noise about a coin celebrating a meeting and treaty that has not happen yet. That’s Crazzzzzy!