In the age of Trumpism, clickbait, and Trump’s open declaration of war on news media and journalists, it becomes harder for the average reader to discern reliable truth. The distribution of truth has become a tribal thing of which side does the journalist write for; the left? or the right? It forces some journalists to pick a side in order to be heard and to stand out above the noise of sensationalism. Some journalists do pick a side and become lost in a echo chamber or bubble of their own making. The average public news reader’s ever short attention span in the modern internet age encourages skimming the headlines and articles without trying to understand what they are reading. This bad habit promotes a complete misunderstanding of news which makes for a reader’s wrong-headed opinions into their view of the world. I find it sad for me to say that reading comprehension is becoming a lost art. I believe that the only recourse for journalists to get the truth out is to forego the clickbait style of headlines and just keep reporting true facts without their personal opinions. Hopefully, that will gain him/her a reputation of being a reliable reporter of truth, and increasing the reporter’s audience. I enjoyed your article and Thank you for it, Tony!