I’m sad that this is happening. The U.S. Iraq regime change war started by President Bush enabled this tragedy. Then, the U.S. with the present President’s action of withdrawing from Iran nuclear treaty emboldened Iran to run amuck. Historically, there has always been religious strife between Iraq and Iran. Iraq is mostly Sunni and Iran is mostly Shia. The U.S. has lit the powder keg of religious war in the region. The U.S. has virtually no power to control this situation in the region and is equally disdained by both Iraq and Iran. The only solution that may help would be NGO (non-government organizations), groups, human rights group along with the United Nations. Stories on this suffering on this platform and other social media platforms can make people aware of this suffering in Iraq. The same suffering is also currently happening in Yemen. The Saudi invasion of Yemen with the U.S. aid is recreating Iraq in Yemen. It’s a sad situation all around. The world merely watches as the Middle East region and its people burn. Good to see this story posted, Michelle!