I met my wife when I was still living with my parents. One time she came over to the house to visit and she said that she will clean up my room a bit as it was a little messy. I thought that it was nice on her part and told her to have at it and I went to do other things. Hours later, she said that she was done and I admit that the room looked great. It was all clean and re-organized. I thanked her for her hard work, but she only smiled and said nothing. Years later, long after we were married, we were watching a TV drama scene where a guy’s girlfriend started to clean and organize her boyfriend’s home voluntarily. My wife casually mentioned that most women do that instinctively and purposely. I asked her why would women do that as I was recalling that years ago my wife did the same thing. She said that it was a way to snoop. She further explained that it by cleaning and organizing a man’s room or home will reveal his personality, hobbies, quirks, history, habits, and what he most admires. She also added that it was one way to see what a guy has left unspoken in order to determine whether a relationship can continue or not (in case he is discovered to be a creep). Upon learning this, I’ve changed where I always have hidden gifts that I bought for my wife for different reasons and appropriate times. I won’t name the new location but I will say she will never go there because there are usually spiders in there, and she hates spiders! Thanks, Robin!