I know how you feel. My daughter’s room was filled with stuffed animals too. I was in between jobs for almost a year when she was 7 years old. I was a stay at home Dad and my wife went to work. We had tea parties and at one point I had collected a bunch of Playskool wind up toys and had built up an entire village filled with Weeble people with houses, farms and windup cars, merry-go-rounds and roller-coasters. It took up the entire living room floor! Just like your daughter, mine don’t remember all the fun we had together either. I remember how deeply saddened I was too when she went off to college. The toy village is stored in a box in our garage gathering dust. My daughter is now 45 years old, married and living in New Orleans. Kids do grow up way too fast. I go into the garage now and then, to stare at the box the toy village is in and remember.Thank You for sharing your story, White Feather!