I hope that for his sake and yours, that he returns to a good state of health. I changed my lifestyle habits when I nearly died on my way to work about 3 years ago. I was driving on the highway to work when I suddenly felt light headed and felt a tremendous pain in my kidney area. Luckily, I was nearly at the exit for where I work. I pulled into the parking lot where I managed to wave over some co-workers who called the ambulance. Long story short, the local hospital had to put me on a life flight to a larger hospital where they can operate on me to save my life. I had an abdominal aortic aneurysm and I was slowly bleeding out. the doctors figured I had about 3 hours to live. Luckily the life flight was only 25 minutes. My wife arrived at the local hospital before I was loaded into the life flight helicopter. She held my hands and specifically told me this “If you love me and your children, you must promise me to not die. You must do whatever it takes to grow old with me. Do you promise? Of course, I made the commitment to keep that promise. Today, I am still in good health and lost 60lbs. of excess weight. But I’m keeping that promise still. Perhaps sharing what happened to me with your loved one can help him change too. My apologies for being long-winded. Thanks for your story, Christina!