I have 2 simple thoughts that I wish to offer on Post- Presidencies of Obama and Trump.
On Obama: Still popular, thought to be an honest, intelligent and honorable man, scandal-free administration for 8 years, a believer of using diplomacy first as a tactic in foreign policies. people view him as a compassionate man and a person who tries to bring people together under common goals. Many people wish he could serve another term as President.
On Trump: Losing his popularity, Increasingly viewed as a person who is unsuited for service as President, is considered a Bully in foreign and domestic policies and in interactions with people. Shows racist and authoritarian tendencies in his personal character and one who attracts followers of the same ilk. His entire administration is staffed by egocentric, enrichment seeking, war-mongering, scammers, and thieves. If you are a self-centered, dishonest and compassionless person; an immediate employment opportunity will be made for you in Trump’s administration. Nepotism is always allowed and an ability to gain a Security Clearance matters very little as you will most likely quit or be fired in less than a year anyway! The largest amount of job openings are for those who are in the legal profession. Most people believe that Trump will not serve out his full term as President nor will he obtain his most sought-after award; the Nobel Peace Prize. Many hope that he will rot in Federal Prison. Regardless, history will not be kind to him. He and his sycophants will not succeed in erasing Obama’s legacy.