I for one would like to know that there are other living sentient beings out there in space. But I am inclined to agree with Stephen Hawking’s belief that we should not let other lifeforms know of our existence because they may not be so friendly or benevolent as we would like to think. Space alien civilizations may perhaps be eons more advanced than on our blue marble of a planet, but it doesn’t mean that the aliens themselves are more altruistically advanced than humans are. They may come looking to conquer and colonize. I look back on our own human history as an indicator and proof of how or what the possible alien reaction or intent would be if our planet is discovered by them. The age of conquering and colonization of peoples and nations occurred from roughly the 1400’s to the late 1800’s. It was roughly over 400 years of violence, death and atrocities. There was hardly any examples of “Altruism” despite the words “We Come In Peace” having possibly been uttered. I don’t wish to be a pessimist, but I believe we must realistically consider this outcome as a possibility. I enjoyed your article, Thank You, Jaime!