
I applaud your choice in choosing to take individual responsibility in making your own life choices. You are the only person who can determine whether your day or life can be joyful or be full of despair. I don’t subscribe to the notion that God, Higher Power, or a Universal Life Force wants us to assign somebody else or a group to make life decisions for us to follow blindly. All of the religious teachings in the world emphasize one thing. We are given the freedom and power of choice and we must accept the consequences of our choices. God/ Higher Power made no selection as to who or what Church or Temple group can have the power of choice over others, and that is a good thing because that is a path to corruption and immorality. We all know that from the various histories of organized religions. In case you were curious, I am a Buddhist. Thanks for the enjoyable read, Marla!



Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da
Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da

Written by Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da

Retired from the Aerospace Industry. I write Satire, Humor, and Funny stories. about the absurd things in life. medium.com/metaphorically

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