
I agree with your analysis Keith. As an Asian American, and along with all other Asians, we are keenly aware of the Korematsu Decision, the Chinese Exclusion Act and other historical policies that affect only the Asian people. It is also true that historically, the U.S. Government has instituted laws and policies that are racially based while playing a game of semantics to either disguised it its true racial purpose or to attempt to hide its racist nature. It is usually the politically conservative and/or mentally non-evolved racist person who say “It’s for national security reasons that we implement this law!” There is a reason that Trump’s travel ban is in effect like the Korematsu Decision and the Chinese Exclusion Act. The reason is quite simple, they are all Racially Based laws and policies. The Conservative Supreme Court Justices exposed its racism in supporting a racist policy instituted by a racist President and his racist Staff. It now a fact that is shown to the world. Thanks, Keith!



Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da
Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da

Written by Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da

Retired from the Aerospace Industry. I write Satire, Humor, and Funny stories. about the absurd things in life. medium.com/metaphorically

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