During Trump’s last medical examination, Trump’s physician was alarmed at the large size of Trump’s Head. Neuropsychologists (Brain Scientists) were called in to discover the cause. They found that Trump’s near-constant ingestion of fat cells from his diet has allowed the fat cells to reach his brain. These cells have now begun to eat healthy brain cells and replacing them. His brain functions and cognitive abilities are now regressed to the functional capabilities of early primitive man (Cro-magnon). The Cro-magnon had larger brains which accounts for the wider faces and larger heads with large brow ridges. Unfortunately, they died out as modern humans came into existence because of one serious disadvantage, Cro-magnons only had the function of a reptilian brain. The reptilian brain allows Cro-Magnons four major brain functions. They are: Eat, Fight, F*ck, and Flee. They are capable of verbal communication which consists of low guttural grunts. Neuropsychology scientists have told Trump that is brain is really unique and is worthy of study. Trump mistakenly thought that this was a compliment on how smart he is and that his brain has more worth than anybody else’s brain. Scientist impatiently wait for the day that they can get their hands on Trump’s Cro-Magnon brain and preserve it in a jar as they did with Einstein’s brain.