Do not let self-doubt make you abandon the path that you have chosen. I have had my share of rejections as all writers do. In the first few months of writing, I had less than 100 claps for all my stories and 2 publishers rejecting a total of 5 stories. I was disheartened and intimidated from ever trying to write. But a funny thing happened when I re-read my reader’s responses to all the stories that I ever had published, I found that my readers enjoyed my stories and their responses were positive. Looking back over my stats, they showed continuous growth. That convinced me that I had something to offer. I went from being depressed to feeling annoyed and then, I became a little angry over my rejections. I recalled the words of the Star Trek character, Captain Kirk, who said many times, “I don’t like to lose.” I used my anger and rewrote my rejected stories. Long story short all those rejected stories were accepted by the same publishers who rejected them! Over the past year, I have had only two stories rejected, so it still does happen still, as to all writers. It’s all right to get disheartened when stories are rejected but it’s also alright to get a little angry and use that anger to rewrite your stories so that they can’t reject them, and to convince them that you are the “Wonder Woman” of writing! Don’t stop keep going!