As a person of Chinese descent, who immigrated from China as a 2 year old post-repeal of the “U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act” (I am a U.S. Citizen, I make that declaration due to the Trump Era), my parents always stressed to me “Say nothing, go along to get along”. This caused people’s view of me as a person who never has a personal opinion, I was considered somewhat empty headed. I didn’t grow into who I am now until my service in the U.S. Navy. Since then, I believe in being true to myself and feel free to express myself in my opinions whether vocally or through my written words. I found a sense of freedom but I am open to evolve in my opinions if people can convince me. I agree 100% in your premise that not everybody will agree with you and I am staying strong in my thinking and doing what I think is right. Kudos to you on your article!