Anthropologists have stated that the family tree of humans have been ever changing since the first apes climbed down from the trees to the present dominance by Homo Sapiens. The Neantherdals were unable to adapt and evolve into the changing world around them because they had a smaller brain. The other human species’s society threatened them and society ostracised them into extinction. Such may now be the case for Ass-Hatters. Their hope for non-extinction rests on their miraculous achievement of electing one of their own to be President who stated that he would protect them and pay all their legal fees if they commit violence upon the other Human species. Modern technology has provided a weapon against Ass-Hatters. Modern-day Humans all have camera-enabled smartphones which give us the power to record and document instances of Ass-Hattery. These recordings can be uploaded to various social media, law enforcement, and the news media. Ass-Hatters can now be identified and their names, job information, and home addresses can be found by facial recognition and other means on the internet. This process is called “Doxing” which I don’t condone to be carelessly used as there have been miss-identification incidents that have caused harm. This public shaming has caused Ass-Hatters to lose their jobs, prestige, and status forcing them to self-extinct by going into hiding and living quietly while hopefully regretting their actions. I would like to think that the Ass-Hatters branch of the Human Family Tree will eventually wither and fall off the tree. That will be Justice.