Member-only story
Too much of a good thing
An Overused Cat Theme
It’s infesting all of social media
There’s been an ongoing trend of people posting pictures of their pets wearing a Home Depot apron on all the social media platforms. It’s gotten to the oversaturation point.
Now, I know that cats are cute and everything but please enough already. I must admit that Home Depot workers are hard to find when you need assistance. I also know that they tend to flock together to indulge in group conversations of earth-shaking importance and that's why they ignore you. Sometimes when you do manage to get a hold of a worker to ask a question, they give you that eyes glazed over look before walking away and ignoring you.
On second thought, those are the same traits that cats have too! But hey, really, enough with the pictures already.
By the way, my cat is cute looking in his little apron. Am I right?