Member-only story
AI And Sentience
Should have happened already
I have Alexa throughout most of the house, Google assistant on my smartphone, and Cortana on my laptop. All modern AI devices to make life easier and more convenient for the modern family. All with customizable gender, language, and speech patterns for selection for every member of the family. These devices are a wonder to have! But when I need them the most, they failed me big time.
It all became apparent when my wife came into the living room as I was writing part 2 of my “Wayward Monk” story. She had a very annoyed and angry look on her face and she stated in a rather loud voice, “It is now noontime, and it is obvious that you had forgotten that today is Valentine’s Day!” The cats, sensing that trouble was afoot, immediately ran out of the living room.
“It is? I’m so very sorry!”, I said with the best cowering and apologetic face I can muster up. “All these AI devices in the house and none of them were sentient enough to remind me. Why aren’t they sentient?”, I asked of the heavens. My wife piped in, “Why aren’t you sentient? You need to Marie Kondo declutter your head!” She left in a huff.
I am now in the proverbial dog house again. Once again, the couch is my bed. All could do is mutter Elon Musk should have come up with a fix a long time ago!
I wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day today!