
A well-written story and a good read. Brett Kavanagh may have committed perjury twice in his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee that was largely overlooked or ignored by the Republicans. Republican claims of search and destroy and vicious partisanship by Democrats has no validity when Gorsuch has been confirmed with Democrat yes votes with no controversy. The FBI could have provided a lot of answers but couldn’t. he FBI was limited in its investigation every step of the way. There was the time limit. There were the limits on interviews. There were limits on subpoenas and physical evidence. The FBI couldn’t even reach a conclusion or release its findings to the public.

The FBI probe, however, was not for most people. It was for three people: Senators Collins, Flake, and Lisa Murkowski. It took calls by these three Republican senators, despite calls by Democrats and even a majority of the public, for Senate Republicans and the White House to agree to an FBI investigationRepublicans may have agreed to the investigation, knowing that it would be severely limited and could never uncover much, to get these swing votes on board. This way, Flake, Collins, and anyone else who joins them can argue they did their due diligence — giving them cover for a vote for Kavanaugh — without Kavanaugh ever being at real risk of some truly damning findings by the FBI. The sole purpose of the investigation may have been mostly in service of getting the votes for Kavanaugh, not really for getting to the bottom of the allegations. thanks for the story, Jeremy!



Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da
Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da

Written by Hank Eng, 1950 - 2023, https://gofund.me/7c8969da

Retired from the Aerospace Industry. I write Satire, Humor, and Funny stories. about the absurd things in life. medium.com/metaphorically

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