40 years ago Bill Maher was a young and talented comedian with a bright future. The Bill Maher of today is an arrogant, pontificating old white guy who is more akin to the old neighborhood crank yelling at kids to stay off his lawn. He is past his relevancy expiration date and should just retire as his shtick is monotonously composed of a litany of complaints that his audience is increasingly finding to be tiresome. Stan Lee inspired generations of people, young and old to be more tolerant, be more confident in their abilities to make a difference in the lives of those around them. The Stan Lee concept of “With great power comes great responsibility” has become world renown and is the mantra of a generation of people. Yes, its printed comic books but for Stan Lee, it was a storytelling device that will last along with the movies made from those comic book stories that will be a lasting monument to him. What will be Bill Maher’s legacy? A collection of videos and a few books that contains his insults and of people, events, and things that offended him. Nothing noteworthy to inspire a generation! Sorry, David for ranting but Bill Maher ticked me off!